Darts Farm

Topsham, Devon
Tel: 01392 878 200
Email: info@dartsfarm.co.uk

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Darts Farm Latest News

Purple Sprouting Gratin

Purple Sprouting Gratin

Posted in Recipes on 02 Feb 2022

Our bright and beautiful purple sprouting broccoli is coming in thick and fast, fresh from our fields and into The Farm Shop. Try this delicious gratin recipe for a tasty twist on your Sunday roast's veg.

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Matcha Smoothie Bowl

Matcha Smoothie Bowl

Posted in Recipes on 14 Sep 2021

This quick, 4-ingredient smoothie bowl infused with Kineta matcha green tea powder is perfect for breakfasts. Fresh, naturally sweet, and just as healthy as it is delicious!

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Cantaloupe Melon Sorbet

Cantaloupe Melon Sorbet

Posted in Recipes, Food & Drink, Seasonality on 19 Aug 2021

This easy recipe for a creamy, yet refreshing sorbet is perfect for the end-of-summer evenings, and with melons straight from the fields here at Darts.

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3 Ingredient Oaty Breakfast Bars

3 Ingredient Oaty Breakfast Bars

Posted in Recipes on 10 Aug 2021

These 3-ingredient, quick and easy breakfast bars are perfect for on-the-go; and made from the best ingredients found in the farm shop.

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Spring Onion and Spinach Tartlets

Spring Onion and Spinach Tartlets

Posted in Recipes on 02 Aug 2021

These delicious tartlets are the perfect starter at a dinner party, or a light lunch in the warmer weather!

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Fried Courgette Flowers with Honey and Vinegar

Fried Courgette Flowers with Honey and Vinegar

Posted in Recipes on 29 Jul 2021

Packed with sweet and tangy flavour, our home-grown courgette flowers paired with honey and vinegar are a great starter for a summer dinner party.

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Quick 'n Sweet Pickled Baby Cucumbers

Quick 'n Sweet Pickled Baby Cucumbers

Posted in Recipes on 29 Jul 2021

You can't beat hand-picked fresh veg from the fields Darts Farm. This season, our baby cucumbers are thriving and perfect for pickling.

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Sweetcorn & Cajun Spiced Fritters

Sweetcorn & Cajun Spiced Fritters

Posted in Recipes, Food & Drink, Seasonality on 25 Aug 2020

Our chefs have been busy creating seasonal recipes, using sweetcorn fresh from our fields... These fritters are a delicious veggie option for any occasion!

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